Wednesday, August 31, 2011

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sludgehammer Keyboard

The sludgehammer keyboard is a project that questions the ability of technology to make things easier, to this the sludgehammer keyboard does the opposite. It uses rubber and a mallet to make entering text that much more difficult, and does not include a delete key. This project is engaging because it pushes the effectiveness of this tech down considerably.


MobiSpray event of University of Helsinki from MobiSpray on Vimeo.

Mobispray is an art installation that uses cell phones and large projections. The cell phone is the spray can in this case, creating large multi individual pieces. The Mobispray project captures me due to its ability to turn a device most people have into an active art creation device. This kind of public art takes the form of its more illegal cousins and transforms it into something that is a bit more revered than traditional graffiti for example.

The Public Broadcast Cart

The Public Broadcast Cart

The public broadcast cart is a project that allows any pedestrian to become their own pirate radio station. This project uses simpke electronics attached to a shopping cart to enable users to be heard both in person and over the airwaves. This project caught my attention because i enjoy the concepts of both pirate broadcasting, and mobile sound systems. I have done a similar project in oakland called the iRiot mobile sound system that i bring to protests with an attached microphone and fm transmitter.