Saturday, September 24, 2011

Transhumanism Explored

I'm very interested in exploring the ways people can change their bodies through their hands. I feel that hand modification through the addition of sensors and electronics that react to the environment are very interesting,

This person i find most interesting, Lepht Anonym:

She is exploring what she calls "practical transhumanism", not by waiting for technology to catch up to implement body modifications, but using today's technologies to implant magnets in each of her finger tips. By doing this she can sense magnetic fields around her. Here is a video of someone performing the proceedure

Another thing that is inspiring is the rfid inplants by Amal Graafstra, he has implanted 2 rfids in his hands that allow him to unlock his computer and open doors:
This is all very exciting territory yet i can't help but think that these "experiments" in rfid tagging will soon be standard in place of id cards or transit passes. We must understand these technologies enough so they do not get used against us.

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